Get Involved
"Today, about 50 million Americans, or one in five people, are living with at least one disability, and most Americans will experience a disability sometime during the course of their lives." - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
What Your Donation Enables
- Services 1,000+ clients are served with 2 million hours of each year and over 2,200 attendants
- Low-income children and adults with long-term disabilities to live fulfilling lives in their homes. 98% of our clients have incomes at or below poverty levels, low enough that they qualify for Medicaid
- Provides care to clients with a disabling condition, both physical and intellectual. These disabilities include Cerebral palsy, autism, spinal cord injury, developmental delay, Down syndrome, multiple sclerosis, dementia, diabetes, quadriplegia and spina bifida
- For every $1,000 donated, we can initiate services for an additional person with a disability valued at $26,000 on average. Disabilities are typically permanent resulting clients receiving services for years or the remainder of his or her life, estimated $650,000 per client.
- Enables us to assist with the initial $1,000 out of pocket cost for each client. This expense is not reimbursable to us and must be raised from funds provided by generous individual donors, corporate sponsors, and foundations.
Helping Restore Ability (HRA) and Calla, affiliate organizations, represent the largest non-profit in Texas providing independent living services through personal attendant care. We are fiscally responsible. Our administration costs is 5% so 95 cents of every dollar is directed to the care of clients.